Retro Games for Linux, Mac and Windows

XLarn Version 22.05

Posted on Aug 26, 2023

Welcome back to the caverns of Larn

XLarn is now back in active development and this update marks the first step to get into a more frequent release cycle.

the highlight of this update is the new mac version which supports newer versions of macOS as well as the newest generation of macs natively.

the update consists of the following gameplay changes and bug fixes:

gameplay changes

  • failed spells no longer count as in-game steps
  • casting a spell now counts as an in-game step
  • spells will now cost a spellpoint
  • aborting a spell will no longer count as step
  • added support for steam rich presence
  • higher score multiplier
  • game will now auto scroll from a 6 tile distance instead of 4 tiles

bug fixes

  • fixed numpad 5 press getting stuck in a wait action loop
  • fixed zoom in and out command counting as in-game step
  • fixed bug where spells will not use a spellpoint
  • removed fullscreen button on ultrawide screens
  • fixed focus change even on non valid input on player creation
  • added UI hint on wrong user password
  • reduced cpu usage on linux
  • fixed crash on monster hit caused by floating damage number

If you encounter any problems after updating please let us know via e-mail: [email protected] or on the steam community discussion board so we can help you and fix the problems as soon as possible. For any ideas or feedback you can also contact us.

we hope you enjoy the new update!