Retro Games for Linux, Mac and Windows

Xlarn Version 22.06

Posted on May 29, 2024

This is a smaller in-between Update adding some quality of life changes, new achievements and a lot of behind the curtain preparation for bigger things to come.

the update consists of the following gameplay changes and bug fixes:

gameplay changes

  • added new cave generation to make lava trap more of an obstacle
  • the spell window will now always show the current spells name
  • removed all cursor clipping for better usability
  • mirrors only reflected some spells for a while and would be destroyed by other spells now there will be a message about the mirror being destroyed instead of it just vanishing
  • the repeat action functionality of the number keys now has an overlay to show you the amount the next action will be repeated so accidents will not happen as often anymore
  • added number of known/unknown items to magic knowledge window to give it a bit more interaction value
  • add some new achievements
    • Anger a waterlord - Ocean Man
    • Anger a gnomeking - Royal rage
    • Get killed by your own projectile - Better be careful
    • Stop time forever - Permanent timeout
    • Anesthetize a vampire with garlic smell - Stinky stuff
    • Get the cross - Crusader
    • Make a vampire walk though a mirror - Come here little bat
    • Hide an item behind a statue - Is it gone now??
    • Fall down a bottomless pit - Still falling
    • Melt rings - Blacksmith
    • Drink the potion - Dad of the year
    • Learn every course in school - Bachelor of larn
    • Sell a jewel in the trade post - Not the best deal
    • Die from xrays - Radiant man
    • Kill 50 bats or rats - Pest control
    • Kill the God of Hellfire - Hellfire BBQ
    • Collect the hidden item from the statue - Phew, found it again
  • casting permanence after timestop will now cause time to be stopped forever

bug fixes

  • fix “gewinner” button in german translation having duplicate hotkey
  • fix zoom and other special character hotkeys not working on macOS
  • added missing german translations for:
    • create, rename and delete player
    • enter password hint
    • wrong password alert
    • start game, fullscreen and window mode
    • attack, defense and common spells
    • “About XLarn”
  • quickspell window will now be closed on players death
  • fixed a crash on 64bit systems
  • shot spells will now be properly cleaned on players death
  • the right side status window will now also properly reset on players death
  • monsters will now move before item requests pop up to prevent the illusion of a double move for monsters
  • fixed a bug where sometimes ring melting wouldn’t remove the molten ring

If you encounter any problems after updating please let us know via e-mail: [email protected] or on the steam community discussion board so we can help you and fix the problems as soon as possible. For any ideas or feedback you can also contact us.

we hope you enjoy the new update!